Wille Larsson

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︎ Restricted Section

︎ Photography

Posters for sale
︎  Wall of Art

︎  Kurppa Hosk

Wille Larsson
︎  Graphic Design
Ⓐ    Type Design 

︎  Kurppa Hosk

Posters for sale
︎  Wall of Art

︎  Email
︎  Instagram
︎  CV
︎  Linkedin

︎ Restricted Section

︎ Photography

Bruno Rodrigues and I were asked to create an eye-catching branding and visual language for Ãyo, a Swedish jewelery brand.

Our aim is to induce curiosity through the very first impression. With eye-catching visual language that hints towards heritage, contemporary and classic design.

We want the viewer to fill the shapes with their own experiences and inspirations, creating an interaction and a personal connection with ÃYO.

A minimalistic brand utilising tensions within the logotype and the typographic layouts to create dynamism within each brand touch point